Nicholas Houghton conducting the Lewes Singers at Westminster Abbey

Choral Conductor 

Nick Houghton has been fortunate to have conducted a number of choirs and fixed players for hundreds of concerts over the years, allowing him to work with many fine musicians including Julia Bishop, James Bowman, Alison Bury, Anthony Halstead, Emma Kirkby, Neil Jenkins, Felicity Lott, Judy Tarling and John Tomlinson.

Currently he conducts the Lewes Singers, a small hand-picked group who give occasional concerts and sing weekend services at Cathedrals and Abbeys in England. The Lewes Singers have sung services at Westminster Abbey, York Minster and Salisbury Cathedral among others. In 2024 they are celebrating their 20th anniversary.

For fifteen years Nick has also been conducting the East Sussex Community Choir, a thriving choir with over a hundred members. More recently he took on the role of Music Director of the Brighton Orpheus Choir and the Brighton Singers.

In the past, Nick conducted the Downland Chorale, a 50-strong choir based in Surrey, and the Reading Haydn Choir. During this time Nick conducted a considerable amount of the chamber choir repertoire, and introduced both choirs to ‘period’ performance of such works as Monteverdi Vespers of 1610, Bach Mass in B minor and Bach St.John and St.Matthew Passions. On occasions the choirs joined forces with others to perform larger works such as Elgar Dream of Gerontius and Walton Belshazaar’s Feast (which Nick conducted alongside Walton Symphony No.1).

Over the years Nick has taken various ensembles on tours abroad to sing concerts in France, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, the Czech Republic and the USA. The Lewes Singers will be touring the Netherlands in May 2024.