Hi folks.

Important update: Lewes Singers will NOT be singing at Westminster Abbey this Saturday 3 August. WA double booked the date, which we spotted when another choir appeared on their advance service list. They have offered us a more substantial date in 2025, but that’s to be confirmed.

Two weeks ago I gave an organ recital in St Michael’s Church, Lewes, and remarkably 40 people turned up even though I was in competition with the Wimbledon Mens singles final.

Robin and I then went straight off to Gatwick to begin our 5 day break in Turin.

A cityscape from our hotel window

The top of the Lingotto building, the old Fiat factory on the top of which is a 500 meter racing/test track used in the film The Italian Job.

Interestingly, the Italians seem to make no reference to ‘The Italian Job’, even in the next door Film museum. We think perhaps they don’t feel that English nonsense reflects well on Italy.

And here’s the very impressive gallery in the Regia Veneria. This palace was built by the ruling House of Savoy, the most important dynasty in Italy of all time, who were central to the creation of a unified Italy, Turin being the first capital city – even if it was for only 3 years!

We returned late on Friday in time for me to play organ continuo in John Hancorn’s performance of Bach Mass in B minor on Saturday in Lewes Town Hall. Well done to John for pulling together a very fine performance.

Now I have a few weeks of relaxed time before heading off to Lichfield Cathedral where I am playing the organ for a whole week of Evensongs and Sunday services later in August.

I’m writing this in a shady spot in the garden on a very lovey hot day. Happy Summer.



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