Hi everyone. Some years ago we had our garden re-designed  (it needed it) by Nigel Philips who also sings bass in the East Sussex Community Choir.  We employed Dave and Mark (father and son) from Southern landscapes and they and Nigel did a wonderful job. 6 years on and we’ve made a slight adjustment so that we can squeeze in a Greenhouse (don’t laugh when you see how big…….small it is) and to tidy up an area we had left undone. It was good that Nigel was once again able to clarify our thoughts and that Dave and Mark were available to do the heavy work again. So here’s the new bit of Patio waiting for the arrival of the greenhouse next week.

I’ll let you know how we get on erecting the greenhouse later.

So we have a new bit of border to plant and yesterday we visited Chalk Farm Nurseries in Willingdon and bought these:

I planted them this morning

and then took time to look at a few other things. Like the Cotinus I gave a serious haircut a few weeks ago.

and look at the lovely colour of the Aubretia with London Pride flowers behind and one of my favourite Heuchera on the right.

Sadly, both our goldfish (Bill and Ben) died over the Winter so some of the frogspawn has survived and we now have some tadpoles and a resident frog…..or was it a toad.

Tomorrow Robin and I are off to Rye with the East Sussex Community Choir. Essentially a day out in lovely Rye, but we will be giving a FREE recital in the church at 5pm.

Oh, and tonight I’m off to Michelham Priory for the last of our three recitals there with Consonus Baroque.

Have a lovely weekend.



  1. Lovely garden Nick and Robin. Hopefully you will get time to sit in it!

  2. Not a weed in sight! Your garden looks great. I like the walls. May is the best month.

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